Get Involved!!! Countryside is a place to grow and be part of a team. Whether you are a five-year old child, a grandmother or grandfather, a busy mom, or dad, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can get involved by learning, serving, and growing at Countryside.
Whether it be here locally or around the world, the Missions and Outreach Committee strives to participate in God’s mission around us. If you have a passion to meet needs, this is the place for you.
Everybody needs to feel a sense of belonging. The Membership Committee seeks to meet the needs of our members by reaching out and serving at a time when our members need us most.
Everybody needs to feel a sense of belonging. The Membership Committee seeks to meet the needs of our members by reaching out and serving at a time when our members need us most.
Christian Education
Whether you desire to grow and learn or you have the gift of teaching, the Christian Education Committee has a place for you. There are many opportunities to serve from children’s to adult ministries. All individuals serving in the children’s or youth ministries need a background check to insure the safety of our children.
Whether you desire to grow and learn or you have the gift of teaching, the Christian Education Committee has a place for you. There are many opportunities to serve from children’s to adult ministries. All individuals serving in the children’s or youth ministries need a background check to insure the safety of our children.
Worship involves the giving of ourselves to God in praise. The Worship Committee seeks to help people enter into worship and all that goes into the Sunday morning worship services. If you have a musical talent, can run a sound board or computer, or love to serve and to make people feel welcome, then we have a place for you.
Worship involves the giving of ourselves to God in praise. The Worship Committee seeks to help people enter into worship and all that goes into the Sunday morning worship services. If you have a musical talent, can run a sound board or computer, or love to serve and to make people feel welcome, then we have a place for you.
The Finance Committee seeks to wisely steward what God has provided to best meet the needs of the church, community, and world in a way that glorifies God.
The Finance Committee seeks to wisely steward what God has provided to best meet the needs of the church, community, and world in a way that glorifies God.
Are you handy? Do you love to serve with your hands? The Trustee Committee maintains the building and grounds and does other as-needed projects in order to be good stewards of our facilities.
Are you handy? Do you love to serve with your hands? The Trustee Committee maintains the building and grounds and does other as-needed projects in order to be good stewards of our facilities.
Media & Drama
Are you talented in the area of the arts and drama, do you love to do research or do you love media? The pastor would love for you to use your talents in ways that help communicate the truths of the Bible using your gifts.
Everyone loves beauty. Aesthetics means paying attention to beauty. The Aesthetics Committee pays attention to the decorating and beautifying of the building. If you have an eye for beauty or a hidden talent in creating beautiful decorations you have found a place to serve here.
Jail Ministry
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus said when you visit someone in prison you are serving the least of these and thereby serving Him. Jesus is honored when we serve those who are at their point of need. The Jail ministry acts as the hands and feet of Jesus to bring the good news to those who are incarcerated. Volunteers are welcome.
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus said when you visit someone in prison you are serving the least of these and thereby serving Him. Jesus is honored when we serve those who are at their point of need. The Jail ministry acts as the hands and feet of Jesus to bring the good news to those who are incarcerated. Volunteers are welcome.
The library ministry seeks to supply those within the church with additional resources and materials for your enjoyment and to help you in your spiritual journey. If you love books, perhaps this is your area of service.
The library ministry seeks to supply those within the church with additional resources and materials for your enjoyment and to help you in your spiritual journey. If you love books, perhaps this is your area of service.